Vorstellung der Projektmitglieder aus Darmstadt

Vorstellung der Projektmitglieder aus Darmstadt

Aufgrund der Covid-19-Pandemie haben wir nicht die Möglichkeit unsere Projektpartner persönlich kennenzulernen. Deswegen möchten wir euch in den folgenden Blogeinträgen unsere Projektmitglieder und -partner vorstellen. Wir haben dazu einen Fragebogen genutzt, welcher von allen Projektbeteiligten ausgefüllt wurde. Da wir mit unseren Projektpartnern auf Englisch kommunizieren und wir die Aussagen wahrheitsgetreu wiedergeben möchten, ist der Blogeintrag in Englisch verfasst.

Im Folgenden werden drei unserer Projektmitglieder aus Darmstadt vorgestellt.

Rosi Krebs:

Rosi (21) is a student and leader of the project team in Darmstadt.

What do you expect from the project and what improvements do you hope for?

I hope, that with this project we can ensure a constant water supply at the Sittankya Primary School and I wish, that the new latrines will improve the current situation so that no one is kept from attending school because of sanitation.

What difficulties could arise during the construction?

It is the first time for us to perform a remote implementation from Germany. This brings new challenges like longer communication channels. Nevertheless, I am sure that we will complete this implementation successfully.

Pia Hübener:

Pia (24) is a student and new member of the technical team in Darmstadt.

How do you contribute to the project and why?

I am new to the project MisombWater. From now on I would like to contribute to the project by supporting the technical team with the planning of the latrines and the hand washing station. As the right to safe and clean water is recognized as a human right, I wish to help to realize that. To improve the access to clean water for the Sittankya Primary School and at the same time the conditions of education are the reasons why I joined the project MisombWater.

What else do you want to tell the other Project partners?

I am happy to be part of the project MisombWater and I am curious to get to know all the other participants.

Sebastian Groebe:

Sebastian (24) is a student and longtime member of the project team in Darmstadt.

What difficulties could arise during the construction?

During the construction of the well and latrines a lot can happen, but I am very confident that the construction will be successful. Of course the Covid-19 pandemic poses a challenge for all project participants, but fortunately we can rely on our project partner Suubi Community Projects.

What else do you want to tell the other Project partners?

I am very thankful for the journey to Uganda last year and I hope that Engineers Without Borders can extend the cooperation with Suubi Community Projects to improve the water and hygiene situation of other facilities.